Voting Information!

Here’s a great site that details all you need to know about where, when, and what you need to bring to vote on November 4th. Remember early voting is open, too!

Also, we won’t have classes on Election Day, November 4th, to make sure everyone has an opportunity to get to their polling stations and vote!!

Shootings by DC Police Spark Fight Against Brutality 1936-41

We’ve talked about police brutality in regards to the tragedy in Ferguson, MO. Here’s an interesting blog post detailing a campaign against DC Police brutality in the late 1930s. Let me know what your thoughts are below.

Washington Area Spark

A campaign from 1936-41 against police brutality in Washington, D.C. was led by the local National Negro Congress, which built a broad-based coalition. They won a sharp decline in the number of police shootings, a police review board, and new political power in an early civil rights struggle in the city.

Marchers Gather to Protest Police Brutality in DC: 1941 DC rally against police brutality Sept. 14, 1941. Courtesy of the DC Public Library Historical Image Collection. All rights reserved.

By Craig Simpson

Leonard Basey was out with co-workers on the evening of August 30, 1936 enjoying a respite from the work and barracks life in the Civilian Conservation Corps camp located at 26th and M Streets NE in Washington, D.C. The unit was doing the physical labor to build the infrastructure for the National Arboretum.

Basey was part of a group of young enlistees in Company 1360 in camp NA-1-DC, an African American post with white officers.

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How to Write the GED Social Studies Extended Response

I know some of you have been worried a bit about the extended response on the Social Studies test. Do not fret! You can do it!

Here’s a great 20 minute video from Steve Schmidt at Appalachian State that helps break down some of what we’ve already discussed in class, plus more!

Please watch and respond in the comments with one thing you took away that will help you when you take the Social Studies test.

History of Holidays

Thanks for a great, insightful discussion about Columbus Day, and the history of the holiday, on Tuesday! I hope those involved not only learned something new about Columbus but also learned about questioning history and thinking about other sides of the story.

Near the end of class, William mentioned Labor Day and it as a day to celebrate workers. What else is there to know about Labor Day? Click here for a brief TIME article discussing the history of Labor Day.

What holiday do you want to know more about? Why?

Problems Typing on Practice Tests?

If you’re having trouble typing in answers on the practice tests, check which browser you are using (Internet Explorer – the big blue e; Google Chrome; Safari). If you are using explorer, try downloading and using google chrome. You can click out of the test and resume it after logging back into

Of course, let me know if you have questions. Hope y’all are taking advantage of the free tests!