Crash Course – The Cold War

Literacy Action Social Studies Scholars

Want to learn more about the Cold War? Try this crash course video! Join Khan Academy to gain access to all these videos, as well as other resources on history, math, science, etc. You can register and save your progress. It’s a great tool for independent study.

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This Day in History via Zinn Education Project

Looking for an easy way to get an interesting “This Day in History”? Are you on Facebook? Even if you aren’t, you can follow this page online: 

If you like this page on Facebook, you’ll find lesser known, but pivotal events from US history popping up in your timeline amid your friends’ selfies, political rants, and baby photos. The page usually focuses on civil and minority rights. Share in the comments what events you find interesting and if you learn anything more about the event.

Lesser Known Historical Figures

Let’s make this a space to share, teach, and learn about other historical figures that are lesser known in American and World History.

Quisha mentioned Mary McLeoud Bethune and Malcolm mentioned Fred Hampton. [Here’s a video discussing Hampton’s assassination on its 45th anniversary on Dec. 4 of last year:]

Please share what you’ve learned and what other figures you’d like to study in the comments below. Let’s help each other find resources. Remember to keep comments inquisitive and civil. Thanks.

How to Write the GED Social Studies Extended Response

Literacy Action Social Studies Scholars

I know some of you have been worried a bit about the extended response on the Social Studies test. Do not fret! You can do it!

Here’s a great 20 minute video from Steve Schmidt at Appalachian State that helps break down some of what we’ve already discussed in class, plus more!

Please watch and respond in the comments with one thing you took away that will help you when you take the Social Studies test.

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Advocacy Free Write

Here are the writing prompt questions from today’s class:

  • What cause would you advocate for? Why?
  • How would you argue for it?
  • What type of evidence would you use?

Remember when commenting and responding to posts to be respectful of others’ opinions and ask questions! Try to figure out why someone you disagree with thinks that way.